Thanks for inspiring a return to using coloring pencils. However humble the materials, the challenge as an artist is to rise above the materials. I would not want someone to remark, "look at all the lovely colours Grumbacher now makes, I'd like to have them remark", "Goodness, you can do this with ordinary coloring pencils?"

I've had a very addictive couple of days playing with pencils and trying to see the world as a pointilist with only 24 colours at her disposal. Suspending notions of "accepted" techniques" and redefining the rules, for myself I feel I need a structure to exist so I can rebelm against it and test its limits.

Serenity and simplicity explored in silence, where a better wold is built out of colour and form as we will it.
These are wonderful, so vibrant. I love colour pencils. I recently got some metallic shades, but unfortunately they don't scan very well and they are very soft so they break easily. But they are fun to use.
I am so pleased that you pulled the pencils out to show just what can be achieved Aletta. Great!
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