Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Leonie's Arrival At The Hermitage - August 2005

Monika, I have just arrived and am overwhelmed by the wonderful welcome you have extended to all. There are so many mysterious places and people around the Hermitage.

As I came in, I wandered around through the Garden of Earthly Delights. Along the paths past the most delicious and sensuous flowers, I came to a beautiful indigo hibiscus. As I walked past, I thought I heard someone calling. Psst...psst. Glancing around, I couldn't see a soul. Then I heard it again. This time I realized that the voice was actually coming from the plant.

I moved closer to this beautiful dark green shrub, covered in indigo flowers. It whispered in my ear that it wanted tell me a little story.

"Tiny seeds fall into the earth and when the time is right, they germinate and grow in their own time. Some grow a little, some are undernourished, some scraggy and damaged by the elements.
Others, despite the conditions continue to grow and produce beautiful flowers.

Seeds of wisdom are planted in all, and are ready to germinate when they are able to understand and receive this wisdom. Can you imagine yourself wrapped in a beautiful indigo cloak, listening to the words of wisdom that are ready to spring from your heart?"

Amazed by this story, I wandered down to the sea walk, and finding a large rock, I spent some time pondering the words that I had heard.
copyright Leonie Bryant 2005

copyright Leonie Bryant 2005.


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